
2014 AMS Annual Meeting


Preliminary Agenda: The Special Symposium on Severe Local Storms: The Current State of the Science and Understanding Impacts

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820 AM - 830 AM: Opening Remarks
Dan Miller and Adam Houston, AMS Severe Local Storms STAC

830 AM - 900 AM: Invited Talk: Deep Convection Initiation
Dr. Conrad Ziegler, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory

900 AM - 930 AM: Invited Talk: Tornadoes and Tornadogenesis
Dr. Paul Markowski, Penn State University

930 AM - 1000 AM: Invited Talk: Microphysics and Microphysics in Relation to Deep Moist Convection
Matt Kumjian, National Center for Atmospheric Research

1000 AM - 1030 AM: Morning Break

1030 AM - 1100 AM: Invited Talk: Severe Convective Windstorms
Alex Schenkman, University of Oklahoma, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
1100 AM - 1130 AM: Invited Talk: Engineering Advances for Damage Mitigation and Risk Reduction
Relating to Tornadoes and Severe Convective Windstorms
Dr. Partha Sarkar, Iowa State University

1130 AM - Noon: Invited Talk: Climate Change/Variability and Severe Local Storms
Dr. Jeff Trapp, Purdue University
Noon - 130 PM: Lunch Break

130 PM - 200 PM: Invited Talk: Operational Forecasting for Severe Local Storms
John Hart, NOAA/National Weather Service, Storm Prediction Center

200 PM - 230 PM: Invited Talk: Operational Severe Local Storm Warnings
David L. Andra Jr., NOAA/National Weather Service, WFO Norman, OK
230 PM - 400 PM: Poster Viewing of accepted poster presentations in the large common viewing area

400 PM - 430 PM: Invited Talk: Technology to Detect Severe Storms and Radar
Dr. Pamela Heinselman, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory

430 PM - 500 PM: Invited Talk: Storm Scale Numerical Weather Prediction
Dr. Mike Coniglio, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory

500 PM - 530 PM: Invited Talk: Societal Impacts of Severe Local Storms and Current Understanding of
Populations At Risk

Julie Demuth, National Center for Atmospheric Research and Colorado State University
530 PM - 545 PM: Closing Remarks and Student Poster Awards, Adam Houston and Dan Miller
Dan Miller and Adam Houston, AMS Severe Local Storms STAC


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