
2014 AMS Annual Meeting


Short Course on Using Quantum GIS as an Integrating Tool for Atmospheric and Social Science


In recent years, geographic information systems (GIS) and other geospatial technologies have become increasingly important to the atmospheric sciences community.  The use of GIS in many traditional atmospheric organizations has grown over the past several years for a variety of applications, including data integration, decision making, and information dissemination.  Many of the GIS tools available today are becoming interoperable with weather and climate data. 

This course will teach basic GIS theory and methods using an Open Source geospatial tool called Quantum GIS (QGIS).  All hands-on exercises will use weather and climate case studies in order to illustrate the power of GIS technology in integrating together physical weather and climate data with more traditional GIS socio-economic and infrastructure spatial data.  This course is aimed at students, faculty, as well as, professionals working in the atmospheric sciences.  Each section in this course will be formatted into lecture, demonstration and hands-on exercise.  During the lecture portion, the geospatial theory will be explained, followed by a live demonstration using Quantum GIS, and finishing with a hands-on lab exercise where participants can work with the GIS software.

This is a one-day course.  There are no prerequisites necessary, however, previous knowledge of geospatial data and python would be helpful.  The instructor for this course is: Jennifer Boehnert, GIS Coordinator, NCAR

Short course attendees will be on their own for lunch. Participants must bring their own laptop with Quantum GIS already installed. Instructions on installation will be posted prior to the course. Quantum GIS can be installed on Windows, MacOS X, and run in a virtualbox.

For more information, please contact Jennifer Boehnert at NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307.  303-497-2858  [email protected].


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