
2014 AMS Annual Meeting


Town Hall Meeting: Get your entrepreneurial Skills in action with the National Science Foundation! The NSF's Innovation Call, a suite of relatively untapped opportunities open to all Geoscientists, including YOU!

The Directorate for the Geosciences (GEO) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) is looking for research ripe for commercialization, for faculty interested in having students co-advised with industry, for faculty interested in collaborating with their counterparts in Industry, and for much more. Come to see how students like you, together with their advisors, have tested the potential commercial viability of their NSF supported research products with the help of the NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Program. Creating your own startup, additional funding (NSF-SBIR, STTR, etc) and licensing are just some of the expected (and seen) outcomes of I-Corps. This Town Hall Meeting will provide an overview of the various Programs that fall under the NSF's Innovation call and that are intended to foster academic-industry collaborations on fundamental research questions of common interest, to accelerate the translation of NSF-supported inventions into commercial products, and to educate the workforce of the future. Some of these initiatives have been in place since the late 70s, but where are you? These Programs are open to all GEO PI's, including YOU!

For additional information, please contact R. Montelli. (e-mail: [email protected].)

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