Student Award Opportunities

Many conferences offer travel awards as well as award certificates and cash prizes for the best student oral and poster presentations at the conference.  Check the list below for specifics for each conference.

Special Symposium on Global and Mesoscale Models: Updates and Center Overviews

The Special Symposium on Global- and Regional-Scale Models: Updates and Center Overviews is pleased to offer one student travel award of ~$350. To apply, please submit a short written statement indicating financial need and how attending the special symposium will benefit your professional development to the program co-chairs, Please note that the student travel award winner must present at the Symposium in order to be eligible. Nusrat Yussouf (email: [email protected]) and Robert Banks (email: [email protected]), prior to 15 October 2018. All applicants will be notified of their status prior to 1 November 2018.

Special Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation
Tropical Cyclones and Extreme Monsoon Precipitation: Prediction, Impacts, and Communication

The Tropical Cyclones and Extreme Monsoon Precipitation: Prediction, Impacts, and Communication Symposium is pleased to offer up to two student travel awards of ~$300 each. To apply, please submit a short written statement indicating financial need and how attending the symposium will benefit your professional development to Zhuo Wang (email: [email protected]) prior to 15 October 2018. All applicants will be notified of their status prior to 1 November 2018.

Seventh Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability

Student abstract submissions are especially encouraged. Cash awards for the top oral and poster presentations will be given. Students, if they wish to participate, should indicate their eligibility for a student award when they submit their abstracts.

Two travel grants (worth $550 each) are available to support students attendance at the AMS Annual Meeting.  Student who would like to be considered for need-based partial travel support should indicate so when submitting their abstract or contact the program organizers directly.  Student may be asked to submit justification for the funds. If applying for a travel grant, please send an email to Angel Adames-Corraliza (email: [email protected]), Scott Powell (email: [email protected]), and Naoko Sakaeda (email: [email protected]) and enter "7MJO Student Travel Support Application" as the subject line.


Ninth Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications

The Committee for Laser Atmospheric Studies (CLAS) is pleased to host two $100 student presentation awards to be given during its biennial Lidar Atmospheric Applications (LAA) symposium at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best student (undergraduate or graduate) oral and poster presentations given during the LAA meeting. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their formal abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the student must be the lead and presenting author. The basis for an award will be:

  • originality of the work;
  • applicability to laser atmospheric applications;
  • quality of the presentation and its delivery;
  • and relation to the Annual Meeting theme.

The theme of the 99th Annual Meeting is “Understanding and building resilience to extreme events by being interdisciplinary, international, and inclusive.” A three-person panel consisting of CLAS members will evaluate the submissions and select the awardees. Student members of CLAS are not eligible for awards. Laser atmospheric studies remains one of the cutting edge disciplines within AMS, and this meeting is an opportunity to present innovative applications of lidar data for interdisciplinary research across many neighboring meteorological disciplines. We welcome the opportunity to honor students who embrace lidar datasets as a means for enhancing their research and career skills. CLAS is pleased to award one $750 student travel award to attend and participate in the LAA symposium at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Student participation is a critical component to any of the symposia at the Annual Meeting, and we are hopeful that this generous award will encourage young scholars to consider laser atmospheric applications as a primary observational component to their continuing research endeavors. To that end, we strongly encourage interdisciplinary applications that highlight the potential of lidar observations to enhance research across the many disciplines represented by the Annual Meeting. Support is offered to offset travel expenses to/from/at the meeting. After the abstract deadline has passed, CLAS will evaluate and recommend the awardee based on the received submissions. Students wishing to be considered must submit either an oral or poster-based abstract and be the lead and presenting author on the presentation. Student members of CLAS are not eligible for the award. Judging criteria will follow the same elements identified for the presentation awards described above, including novelty, applicability to LAA, quality, and relation to the Annual Meeting theme.

Ninth Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations

The 9R2O Committee is pleased to host Student Presentation Awards at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best Student (undergraduate or graduate) oral and poster presentations. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting the abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the Student must be the lead and presenting author.
The basis for an award will be:
          a.) Originality of the work, 
          b.) Applicability to near-term or projected transition of research-to-operations, and 
          c.) Quality of the presentation and its delivery.

Student Event

The 9R2O Conference will be co-hosting a Speed Networking Event. The Event allows students and early professionals to network with mentors via ‘speed networking’ where the mentors (meteorology and allied discipline professionals) roam between tables at set intervals introducing the students and early professionals to a wide array of professions in the field of meteorology. The speed networking will be followed by a social with light hors d'oeuvres, providing a great time for open networking. This allows the students and the mentors of their selected discipline to have extended conversations after their speed-mentoring 

10th Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy

As we have done in the past, we will have awards for best student oral presentations and best student posters to encourage student participation. A partial student travel award of $500 will also be given. Information on applying for the student travel award will be posted this summer.

10th Conference on Environment and Health

Student presentation awards available! To be eligible, after submitting abstract please fill out google form linked here and send CV to Jane Baldwin ([email protected]).

11th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions

The Symposium Organizing Committee will host a student paper competition with award certificates and cash prizes for exemplary undergraduate and graduate student poster and oral presentations. Students must be the first author and presenting their own, original work. Students who wish to be considered for this prize must indicate their eligibility when submitting their abstract

16th Conference on Space Weather

The Committee on Space Weather offers two student award opportunities for students participating in the 16th Conference on Space Weather at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting.  Both of these opportunities are only available to students who have submitted an abstract for the conference. Both oral and poster presentations are eligible:  


Student Travel Awards: 


The committee will be providing several small travel grants ($400) to help defray the cost of attending the AMS meeting for students who submitted abstracts to present at the Space Weather Conference. Students who wish to apply are required to submit the following documents to either of the program chairs: 1) the presentation abstract, 2) statement of why they want to attend the meeting, 3) statement of commitment to attend if awarded the travel award, and 4) letter of recommendation from their adviser. 


Travel Award applications are due October 15, 2018, and notifications to recipients will be sent by November 1, 2018.  


Student Presentation Awards: 


We are pleased to offer two $100 student presentation awards to be given during the 16th Conference on Space Weather at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best student (undergraduate or graduate) oral and poster presentations given during the meeting.  $50 runner-up awards are also available for exceptional presentations. The considerations for an award include:

  • originality of the work;
  • relevance to space weather research and/or applications; 
  • quality of the presentation and its delivery;
  • relation to the AMS meeting theme. 

The theme of the 99th Annual Meeting is “Understanding and building resilience to extreme events by being interdisciplinary, international, and inclusive.”  Members of the Space Weather Science and Technical Activities Commission (STAC) will evaluate the submissions and select the awardees. 

18th Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences

Three travel grants (worth $200 each) are available to support students attendance at the AMS Annual Meeting.  A short written statement (no more than one page) declaring financial need or circumstance, relevance of research to the conference, and how a student will benefit from attending the conference will be required. Students who would like to be considered should email program chair Philippe Tissot ([email protected]) and enter "18AI Student Travel Support Application" as the subject line.

20th Conference on Middle Atmosphere

The Conference on Middle Atmosphere will host a student paper competition for both oral and poster presentations. Cash prizes and a certificate from AMS for first and second places will be awarded to first author students presenting their own original work. Both graduate and undergraduate students can apply for the competition. Students who wish to be considered for the completion must indicate their eligibility when submitting their abstracts. 

Need-based partial travel support will also be offered to help defray the costs of attending the conference. A short written statement (no more than one page) declaring financial need or circumstance, relevance of research to the conference, and how a student will benefit from attending the conference will be required. Travel awards should be submitted to Sean Davis (email: [email protected]) and Amy Butler (email: [email protected]).

Applications for travel awards must be received by 15 October 2018. Decisions will be made by 1 November 2018. Emails should use the subject line: “AMSAnnualMeeting2019_LastName_FirstName_Travel SupportRequest”.

To be eligible to apply for a travel or oral/poster award, each student applicant must meet the following conditions:

  • student must be full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a university;
  • student must be lead author, personally presenting the work;
  • and submission of an abstract must be to a session in which the Conference on Middle Atmosphere is either the lead conference or to a joint session involving the Conference on Middle Atmosphere.
21st Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry

The AMS 21st Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry (21stATMChem) is proud to provide seven outstanding student paper awards. the outstanding student paper award ($200 each) recognizes outstanding student papers based on evaluations of both the submitted paper abstracts and corresponding oral or poster presentations. In particular, the student selected for the award should demonstrate outstanding qualities, including the following:

  • significance of the work and originality and creativity of the approach;
  • explanation of methods;
  • visual clarity (clarity of figures, appropriate font sizes, effective use of space, headings, etc);
  • organization and logical structure (e.g., clearly stated questions, results and conclusions);
  • conclusions supported by data and analysis;
  • author’s knowledge of the subject matter including awareness of prior research in the field;
  • and ability to answer questions.

To be eligible for the awards, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a university, and you also must be the lead author, personally presenting the work. The student needs to indicate whether he/she wishes to be considered for a travel award when submitting the abstract.

The 21stATMChem program chairs and the session organizers will review the abstracts and may request the student to provide references for his/her work, such as recommendation letter or/and school transcripts, before making a selection for the travel awards. Evaluation of oral or poster presentations for the outstanding student paper awards will be also conducted at the meeting by the program chairs and session organizers.

How to apply: for the outstanding student paper award, the student author should indicate in Confex if he/she would like to be considered for the student paper/poster awards. Winners of the outstanding student paper award will be notified on 1 February 2019.

23rd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface

Partial travel support (of up to $550 each) and two prizes (of $200 each) will be awarded in recognition of outstanding abstracts and oral presentations at the IOAS-AOLS conference.

1.      Full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a University

2.      Lead author, personally presenting the work

3.      Submission of an abstract to a session in which IOAS-AOLS is the lead conference

The student needs to indicate whether they wish to be considered for travel support and/or the best student paper prize. For those who are requesting partial travel support, in addition to the above conditions, the IOAS-AOLS co-chairs will review the abstract to determine how their work meets one or more of the following focus areas:

1.      Observing Systems: atmosphere, ocean and land surface, in situ and remote.  Comparisons with other observing systems.

2.      Data Assimilation:  New developments in methodology; research and operational applications on all spatial and temporal scales.

3.      Numerical analysis and prediction experiments involving observations: data impact and observation sensitivity tests.

4.      Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs).

5.      Field Experiments: observational and assimilation results.

The two awards for the best oral presentation will be selected based on the originality and depth of research accomplished; the quality of the oral presentation; and the quality of the slides in the presentation.

24th Conference on Applied Climatology

The Committee of Applied Climatology is proud to award best student prizes for best student presentation, runner-up student presentation, best student poster, and runner-up student. These awards recognize outstanding student contributions based on an evaluation of both the submitted written paper and corresponding oral and poster presentation. Students are asked at the time of the abstract submission if they want to be considered for such awards.

32nd Conference on Climate Variability and Change

The Climate Variability and Change Committee welcomes abstract submissions from students and postdocs. Awards will recognize outstanding oral and poster presentations given by students. To be eligible for the awards, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a university, and you also must be the lead author and presenter of the work. Registrants should indicate their eligibility for student awards when submitting their abstracts.

33rd Conference on Hydrology

The 33rd Conference on Hydrology will sponsor a competition for students presenting their own original research in hydrology. Student presentations will be judged on scientific content, presentation quality, and the overall effectiveness of the presentation. The competition will award first and second place cash prizes, consisting of $150 for first place and $75 for second place for both oral and poster presentations. A list of previous winners is available at the Hydrology Committee’s webpage. To enter the competition, you must indicate your desire to participate in the competition when submitting your abstract.

Additionally, the 33rd Conference on Hydrology will offer two travel awards, of $525 each, to students presenting at the 33rd Conference on Hydrology. Recipients of the travel grant will be chosen by the Hydrology Committee based on financial need and relevance of the presented work with the goals and mission of the AMS Hydrology Committee. This will be evaluated through a two-page application following the guidelines set forth in this document. For additional information about the student competition or travel grant, please contact Francina Dominguez (email: [email protected]).