Don't Miss Events

Don't Miss Events

With so many creative ways you can share your science, connect with current colleagues, and launch new relationships in this new, hybrid format, here are the events you don't want to miss.

Presidential Forum

Sunday, 28 January 2024, 4:00-5:15 PM ET

The 104th AMS Annual Meeting will kick off with the Presidential Forum, a plenary session on Sunday afternoon. The Presidential Forum will engage attendees in a discussion with a distinguished panel brought together by the need to advance climate science and the services required to expand public understanding of the issues and promote sound, science-based solutions.

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Presidential Conference

29 January 1 February 2024

Given the theme of the meeting is “Living in a Changing Environment,” these sessions will cover a wide range of topics striving to leverage the Society’s collective strengths so that our broad community can define the steps and scientific advances necessary to minimize the impacts of climate change, and to engage policy makers and the public in that work.

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Named Symposia and Sessions

Daniel Keyser Symposium

The Daniel Keyser Symposium celebrates the field of synoptic–dynamic meteorology through the lens of Dan’s career and his contributions to science and education. Dan’s 50-year career spans the following phases: undergraduate and graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University, research scientist at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and professor at the University at Albany, State University of New York. Dan is a fellow of the AMS and has received the AMS Meisinger Award and the Lorenz Teaching Excellence Award. He has published many important and influential papers on the structure, dynamics, and diagnosis of fronts and extratropical cyclones, as well as on weather forecasting. He has supervised dozens of M.S. and Ph.D. students.

The Symposium will consist of invited presentations, a poster session, and a dinner with opportunities for those influenced by Dan to reminisce and honor him. Symposium and dinner speakers will be drawn from a wide range of individuals who have influenced Dan, collaborated with Dan, been taught by Dan, and who carry on Dan’s legacy.  Importantly, the Symposium offers the participants the opportunity to reflect on the field of synoptic–dynamic meteorology, by exploring its foundations and development, its present state, and its continuation into the future.

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Kuo-Nan Liou Symposium

Dr. Kuo-Nan Liou (1943-2021) was an eminent scientist in atmospheric physics and made a profound impact on the field for over half a century. As a leader, researcher, and educator in atmospheric sciences and related fields, Dr. Liou served as a true role model for many of us. This symposium aims to celebrate and honor Dr. Liou's legendary career, which has left an indelible mark on atmospheric and climate sciences, particularly in the area of atmospheric radiation. 

The Kuo-Nan Liou symposium is to celebrate the advancements in several frontiers where Dr. Liou made seminal contributions, including the theory of radiative transfer, the radiative and climate effects of clouds and aerosols, and the development of methods for inferring atmospheric and surface parameters through remote sensing. The symposium speakers are a group of researchers who and Dr. Liou directly or indirectly crossed their career paths. This event is a fitting tribute to a scientist who made a quantum leap in advancing the field of atmospheric radiation during his lifetime.

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Matthew Strahan Session on International Collaboration in support of Global Aviation Safety and Efficiency

Monday, January 29, 2024: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM ET

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Memorial Session for Vernon Dvorak


Wednesday, January 10, 2023: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM ET

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Walter Orr Roberts Lecture

Monday, January 29, 2024: 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM ET

The Walter Orr Roberts Lecture will be given in a session sponsored by the 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change. The lecture will be given by Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Johns Hopkins University. The title of the lecture is "Can We Get Ahead of This, and Should We?: Timescales of Prediction and Their Beneficiaries."

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Robert E. Horton Lecture

Monday,  January 29, 2024: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM ET

The Robert H. Horton Lecture will be given in a session sponsored by the 38th Conference on Hydrology. The lecture will be given by Huilin Gao, Texas A&M University. The title of the lecture is "Deciphering Reservoir Dynamics: From Hydrology to Water Resources Management."

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