A Statement from the American Meteorological Society on Recent Events in New Orleans
We not only give abstract authors the opportunity to showcase their work by giving an oral or poster presentation, but we also post supplementary information such as presentation recordings, poster images, extended abstracts and links on our website to give your work maximum exposure.
A complete listing of conferences and symposia can be found here.
Please note that every presenter, in-person or virtual, must register for the meeting. The abstract fee ($120 per submission*) is separate from the registration fee. For additional questions regarding the abstract submission process, we encourage you to review the Abstract Author Instructions or to please contact the Meetings department at [email protected].
*Abstract Submission Fee
The abstract submission fee of $120 (payable by credit card) is due at the time of abstract submission. It is refundable only if your abstract is not accepted and will not be refunded in the event of withdrawal. Abstracts whose fees are not paid within two weeks of the abstract submission deadline will not be presented—they will be deleted from both the conference agenda and online program.
What's Included in the Abstract Fee?
Your fee includes your abstract, supplementary materials (optional), and your recorded oral presentation (recorded at the session level) posted to the online program which is available to all conference attendees exclusively for three (3) months before being made available to the Community for free.
Withdrawn Papers
Withdrawn papers will still be accessible on the conference online program and authors will still be able to upload supplementary materials such as extended abstracts, PDFs of presentations and/or poster images as well as links to other websites. Abstracts should be withdrawn if the presenting author is unable to present or identify a replacement presenting author. Abstracts can be withdrawn using Presenter’s Corner.