A Statement from the American Meteorological Society on Recent Events in New Orleans
The program committee for the 105th AMS Annual Meeting would like to seek input from our community when setting the scientific and technical program. The deadline to submit a Session Topic Proposal was 2 May.
A complete listing of conferences and symposia can be found here.
Please note person roles, such as session chair, will be discussed in May after acceptances are sent. Potential involvement will be decided at the program chairs discretion. Topics that are accepted may be dissolved or merged with another session based on the number of submissions received.
Submitters will be notified in June regarding the acceptance status of topic proposals. Your User Portal provides a list of entries/submissions such as topics or abstracts you have submitted OR on which you are the presenting author. Please refer to the guidelines before submitting a topic proposal.
For additional questions regarding the Session Topic Proposal submission process, please contact the Meetings Department at [email protected].