Town Hall Meetings and Agency Updates

Town Hall Meetings & Agency Updates provide a valuable opportunity for extended interactive two-way dialogue among the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise and other interested groups for the benefit of the AMS community. These engagements can include a wide range of topic areas and formats that do not typically fit into the traditional AMS Annual Meeting program.

Submit a Town Hall Meeting or Agency Update Proposal

Basic room set for the audio/visual includes: 

  • 1 Screen of appropriate size; 
  • 1 Data/Video Projector; 
  • 1 AMS Supplied PC; 
  • Digital Timer 
  • Head Table 
  • Podium microphone; 
  • Table mics 


  • Town Hall Meeting & Agency Update submissions are reviewed and approved by a subcommittee of the Overall Planning Committee for the Annual Meeting
  • All Town Hall Meetings & Agency Updates are accepted on a first come first serve and space availability basis.
  • A confirmation email will be sent upon beginning and completing a submission proposal. This email will provide login credentials for editing your Town Hall Meeting / Agency Update submission through the deadline date noted above. 
  • Recording: Town Hall Meetings & Agency Updates will be available in the hybrid format, same as all other sessions at the AMS 105th Annual Meeting.
  • Room Set-up: All rooms are set theater with a head table. Please note that NO additional A/V can be ordered. 


  • Town Hall Meeting & Agency Update Application Portal Opens: 1 May 2024
  • Deadline to submit a Town Hall Meeting & Agency Update proposal: 27 June 2024
  • Town Hall Meeting & Agency Update Acceptance Notifications Sent: mid-September 2024