Find out all of the information you'll need to submit an abstract and give a successful presentation, whether you'll be speaking or presenting a poster.
Discover all the information you'll need to submit and manage an abstract, and prepare a successful presentation, whether you'll be speaking or presenting a poster.
The Annual Meeting is the place to be for networking, professional development, and career opportunities. There is something for attendees in all stages of their careers.
You'll get the best rates when you book within the AMS official hotel room block. In 2025, all hotels in the AMS official hotel block will be within walking distance of the convention center.
Love the Weather? You’re in good company! Connect with other enthusiasts and experts and participate in these special events planned for the Annual Meeting.
If you’re a student interested in and or currently studying the field of weather, water, and climate, attending the AMS Annual Meeting is an essential and important step in your career path.