Where can I find information on hotels/travel?

Hotel rates will be release in Mid-Late August

We have negotiated special rates at a number of hotels in New Orleans. View our Travel page for more information on transportation and hotels.

Attendees are encouraged to book their reservations at AMS-contracted hotels to help the Society avoid penalties for not filling its hotel block. This will help slow the rate of growth in registration fees. All guaranteed reservations are for the date of arrival only. Attendees who fail to notify the hotel that they are arriving on a different day may lose their room. Reservations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis

To ensure you are able to make a reservation at the AMS rate, we recommend you book as soon as possible. Those unable to find rooms using the provided booking links should contact AMS Meetings ([email protected]).

Please note attendees are responsible for making their own reservations.There are a limited number of rooms available at these discounted rates.