2025 AMS Denver Summit

2025 AMS Denver Summit

 2025 AMS Denver Summit Featuring:

36th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 18th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, 15th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium, and Seventh Conference on Biogeosciences

12-16 May 2025 Denver, CO

Important Dates

Coming Soon!


The 36th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology is hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

The 18th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography was hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the Committee on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography.

The 15th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium is hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

The Seventh Conference on Atmospheric Biogeosciences is hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Board on Atmospheric Biogeosciences.


Sponsorship opportunities will be available soon. Interested companies and organizations should contact Adam Kelly.


All attendees must register to attend the conference. Registration must be completed online. Everyone presenting (both oral and poster) and/or attending must be registered. More information will be available soon! 

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Keep up to date with the latest conference info: @ametsoc

Professional and Respectful Conduct at AMS Meetings

Inclusivity at AMS

 AMS is committed to creating an environment for meetings that “embraces diversity through the inclusion of individuals across age, gender, race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, physical ability, marital status, sexual orientation, body shape or size, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, and other facets of social diversity” (see: https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/about-ams/diversity-and-inclusion-at-ams/).  

Special Needs

It is the Society's sincere desire to comply fully with both the letter and the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.  Attendees with special needs at the conference should check with the AMS Meetings Department (617) 226-3971, four–six weeks prior to the meeting to request special arrangements.  Special housing needs should be requested when making hotel reservations.