23rd History Symposium

Abstract Information

Abstracts are due by 15 August 2024 at 5:00 PM ET

Submit Abstract

Abstract Fee and Author Instructions
All presenters must also register for the meeting.

The 23rd History Symposium is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS History Committee.

Call for Papers

Papers for the 23rd History Symposium are solicited on the following topics:

  • General Session on the History of Atmospheric and Related Sciences
  • History of Technological Advances in Atmospheric and Related Sciences
  • History of Weather Events and Practices
  • Other Topics in History

Joint Sessions

  • Oral History in the Geosciences: Why it Matters, How It is Done, and What We Can Learn (Joint with the 20th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice and the Sixth Symposium on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

Conference Contacts

For additional information, please contact the program chair: Terry Nathan ([email protected])