Symposium on Radar Research to Operations

Abstract Information

Abstracts are due by 15 August 2024 at 5:00 PM ET

Submit Abstract

Abstract Fee and Author Instructions
All presenters must also register for the meeting.

The Symposium on Radar Research to Operations is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Radar Meteorology.

The Symposium on Radar Research to Operations, organized by the AMS Committee on Radar Meteorology, will be held at the 105th AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theme of this symposium is transitioning weather radar research into operations, with foci on how researchers plan for transition from the early stages of research and how operational users utilize the developed tools. Topics that leverage testbeds for ongoing development, refinement, and transition are also encouraged. Oral and poster presentations are solicited on these topics, and we specifically encourage submissions that (i) address methods for research to operations, including current and future needs for policy and requirements determination; (ii) detail ongoing research intended for eventual transition to operations; (iii) present success stories of algorithms that have been transitioned into operations; and/or (iv) new techniques/algorithms that would help the weather enterprise.

Call for Papers

Presentations on the following themes are solicited:

  • Conceptual and Policy-Based Operational Needs: Theoretical, conceptual, and practical implications for transitioning radar research to operations; general overviews of transition strategies; policy and methods for transition; operational requirements determination; operational needs; collaboration between researchers and operational users; medium- and long-term plans for operational deployment, including future radar systems and networks.
  • Ongoing Research Planned for Future Transition to Operations: Technical or theoretical ongoing research intended for transition to operations; applications of radar to microphysics, QPE/hydrology, severe local storms, numerical weather prediction, wildfire and smoke detection, etc.; theoretical and practical research/algorithms for future radar systems, networks, and architectures (such as phased arrays for eventual operations); topics on use of AI/ML in an operational setting; signal processing techniques for operational improvements; other innovative radar applications intended for operations. Topics should be specifically aimed towards eventual or ongoing transition to operations; otherwise, please submit general research topics to the EIPT radar topics.
  • Operational Success Stories: Examples of algorithms, signal processing, software packages, etc. that have been successfully transitioned into operations for the National Weather Service, industry, etc.; general success stories with transition strategies.
  • Future Operational Needs: Operational situations where new signal processing techniques or radar product algorithms could improve operational forecasting and warnings; topics rooted in current challenges in operational meteorology meant to motivate researchers to develop new concepts that would benefit radar data interpretation.

Submissions from current students and early career scientists are strongly encouraged, and selections for both oral and poster presentations will include a broad range of career stages. Monetary awards will be given for the best oral and poster presentations by student presenters. Registrants should indicate their eligibility for student awards when submitting their abstracts. 

Please submit your abstract electronically online by the deadline date of 15 August 2024. Topics that are not deemed relevant specifically to operational meteorology may be transferred to other conferences at the AMS Annual Meeting, including the EIPT radar sessions. All submissions should have a specific and clear operational theme. Please note that some abstracts may not be accepted, depending on program constraints, relevance, and merit of subject matter. In such cases, the abstract fee will be refunded. Authors may indicate their preference for an oral or poster presentation during abstract submission; those authors presenting more than one paper should clearly indicate which they prefer for a possible oral presentation. Oral presentation slots are limited; thus, authors may only request one oral submission, but are welcome to present multiple posters. Authors may submit an extended abstract (at no extra cost) electronically prior to the start of the conference. All abstracts, extended abstracts, and presentations will be available on the AMS web site at no additional cost.

Student Award Opportunities

Student Presentation Awards

The Symposium on Radar Research to Operations is proud to provide outstanding student presentation awards at the AMS 105th Annual Meeting. Monetary awards will be distributed for oral presentations and poster presentations in addition to a PDF certificate from AMS. Students must be enrolled at a college or university at the time of submission and must be the lead author or presenter of the work. Submitters should indicate their eligibility for student awards when submitting their abstracts. Award recipients will be informed of the committee's decision by mid February 2025.

Student Presenter Travel Award

The Symposium on Radar Research to Operations is awarding two (2) travel grants of $500 each to attend the AMS 105th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA 12-16 January 2025. To apply, students (Undergraduate and Post-Graduate) should prepare a short written statement (no more then one page) declaring their financial need and circumstance, relevance of their research to the conference, how they will benefit from attending the conference and a copy of their abstract for the meeting. Students who wish to apply must submit their application to the program chairs via email with the subject line “AMS 105th Annual Meeting - Student Presenter Travel Allowance Application”: Karen Kosiba ([email protected]), James Kurdzo ([email protected]), and David Schvartzman ([email protected]).

Deadline for applications: 1 November 2024

Recipients will be notified on or before: 15 November 2024

Conference Contacts

For additional information, please contact the program chairs: Karen Kosiba ([email protected]), James Kurdzo ([email protected]), and David Schvartzman ([email protected]).