Abstracts were due on August 8, 2018.
Author and Presenter Instructions
The Phased Array Radar Symposium is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Radar Meteorology.
More details on the symposium will be published available soon.
Papers for the Phased Array Radar Symposium are solicited on topics related to PARs, particularly topics discussing PAR applications to help understand and build resilience to extreme events. Papers on PAR observations and applications related to hazardous weather events are encouraged, including but not limited to, studies of convective initiation and precipitation onset, vertical velocities, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, damaging winds, and tropical cyclones. Overviews of existing phased array radar systems are particularly encouraged to highlight current meteorological applications and technological capabilities and to identify how these findings can benefit future operational or research PAR systems. Papers on phased array radar systems that are in the design or prototype stage are also encouraged to highlight future PAR technology, including ground-based, shipborne, spaceborne and airborne PARs. Finally, the symposium will include engineering topics related to PARs, such array calibration and polarization purity of dual-polarization PARs, PAR signal processing and scanning strategies, and applications of spoiled beams and digital beamforming.
The Phased Array Radar Symposium committee will provide two travel awards ($400 each) to students presenting in the Phased Array Radar Symposium. To be eligible for the travel award, the student must be the first author on an accepted abstract and be either a full-time undergraduate and graduate student. To apply for these awards, students need to submit a brief written statement (up to 1 page) describing their financial need or circumstance, the relevance of their research to the symposium, how they will benefit from attending the symposium, and a copy of their abstract. Applications can be submitted to David Bodine ([email protected]) and are due by October 15, 2018. We will notify the travel support award recipients by November 1, 2018.
The Phased Array Radar Symposium will provide awards to recognize outstanding student presentations. Both oral and poster presentations will be considered in the same competition. To participate in the competition, students must indicate that they are eligible for the student presentation award when submitting their abstracts. Shortly after the conference, the recipients of the student presentation award will be notified.
For additional information, please contact the program chairs: David Bodine (email: [email protected]) and Scott Collis (email: [email protected]).