In-Person Attendees

In-Person Attendees

Since this year’s annual meeting will both in-person and remote attendance, many elements of the meeting are being updated to encourage attendance. While all virtual attendance access is available to in-person attendees, there are a few additional items to note for In-Person Attendees:

  • Can change attendance method (virtual vs in-person) until 1 December.
  • Can do everything virtual attendees can do, plus
    • Can attend all 40+ live oral sessions, including a mix of presentations made by in-person and virtual presenters, for a total of 600+ for the week.
    • Can participate in Q+A’s and discussions with all in-person and virtual oral presenters in real time via Zoom and/or audience microphone.
    • Can visit and interact with in-person poster presenters in the poster hall.
    • Can network with other in-person attendees during coffee breaks, lunch breaks, social events, and receptions throughout the week.
    • Can visit the in-person exhibit hall.
    • Can visit the in-person career fair.