
Booth# 635

Meteomatics specializes in high-resolution commercial weather forecasting, power output forecasting for wind, solar and hydro, weather data gathering from the lower atmosphere using Meteodrones, and weather data delivery via the Weather API.
Our high-quality weather information enables our customers to make better decisions every day. From improving safety onboard ships and aircraft to saving fuel and optimizing the performance of renewable energy facilities, access to accurate weather data helps companies increase their productivity and reduce the risks for their business.

Number of Employees: 120
Office locations: USA, Switzerland, Germany, England and Spain
Employee Desired Skills and Education/Degrees:         
The candidates we are looking for are characterized by a solid educational background, typically holding a Bachelor’s degree in fields such as Computer Science, Engineering, Business Administration, or Environmental Studies, tailored to the specific role. For roles that are more advanced or specialized, a higher degree such as a Master's or even a Ph.D., particularly in Environmental Studies or related disciplines, is often a valuable asset. Technical expertise remains crucial, with a focus on skills in programming, data analysis, and sector-specific software. Equally important across all positions are strong soft skills, including effective communication, proficient problem-solving. Professional certifications and relevant industry experience are also highly beneficial, highlighting a candidate's hands-on knowledge and commitment to their field.
List of Current Job Openings:
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