Virtual Poster Slam

Mark your calendars to tune into our 104th Annual Meeting Virtual Poster Slam! Our virtual poster presenters will be presenting their posters in three minute presentations designed to maximize engagement and kick off a week of exciting science at the 104th Annual Meeting! 

The Virtual Poster Slam will take place before the 104th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 starting at 1:00 PM EST ONLINE ONLY. All registered attendees, both in-person and virtual, will have access to attend the Virtual Poster Slam.

Check the online program for a list of presenters! A link to join the sessions will be available before the start of sessions.

What to expect during this session:
A virtual poster slam is somewhat like a regular meeting session in an online format. Pick a session, join online, and get ready to take in mini-presentations from our poster presenters!

  1. Join one of the four sessions held in Zoom—each has presenters from multiple conferences. To plan which virtual posters you'd like to attend, review the online program. You can navigate to different sessions through the event. Access the live Zoom session via the "Join Now" button in the online program or mobile app
  2. Poster presenters will have three minutes to present their work, and then the next presentation will begin. 
  3. The audience can follow up with questions via Zoom chat or the Slack channel.

If you haven’t registered for the Annual Meeting yet, sign up now so you don’t miss our virtual posters!