Student Awards and Opportunities

Many conferences offer travel awards as well as award certificates and cash prizes for the best student oral and poster presentations at the conference. Check the list below for specifics for each conference.

20th Annual Student Conference

Presenters will have the opportunity to participate in the 2021 Student Conference Poster Competition. Five awards will be given for poster presentations (in each category: 1st place, $100; 2nd place, $100; 3rd place, $100).  

To be eligible for the presentation awards, presenting authors must be registered for the AMS Student Conference and an active AMS Student Members (or AMS Members with Student Privileges) for 2020.

Please view the guidelines for the student conference poster session and competition.

Interested in being a judge for the 2021 Student Conference Poster Competition?

Please complete this form by 20 December 2020 to indicate your interest in potentially judging. More information can be found here.

35th Conference on Hydrology

The 35th Conference on Hydrology will sponsor a competition for students presenting their own original research in hydrology. Student presentations will be judged on scientific content, presentation quality, and the overall effectiveness of the presentation. The competition will award first and second place cash prizes, consisting of $150 for first place and $75 for second place for both oral and poster presentations. To enter the competition, you must indicate your desire to participate in the competition when submitting your abstract.

34th Conference on Climate Variability and Change

The Climate Variability and Change Committee welcomes abstract submissions from students. Awards will recognize three outstanding oral and three outstanding poster presentations given by students. To be eligible for the awards, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a university, and you also must be the lead author and presenter of the work. Registrants should indicate their eligibility for student awards when submitting their abstracts.

25th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)

Two prizes will be awarded in recognition of the Best Student Presentation at the 25th IOAS-AOLS conference. The criteria for eligibility are:

  • Full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a University
  • Lead author, personally presenting the work orally
  • Submission of an abstract to a session in which IOAS-AOLS is the lead conference

During the abstract submission, the student will need to indicate whether they wish to be considered for the Best Student Presentation award. The two awards will be selected by a committee, based on the originality and depth of the research accomplished, and the quality of the oral presentation and slides.

24th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology

The 24th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology is pleased to host Student Presentation Awards at the 2021 AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best Student oral and poster presentations. Awards will be given separately for undergraduate and graduate students. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the Student must be the lead and presenting author.

Three criteria will be used for posters and orals: (1) Originality and depth of research accomplished; (2) Quality of oral presentation by student; (3) Quality of slides or poster for presentation. 


Student Event

The 24th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology will be co-hosting the 7th Annual Speed Networking Event. The Event allows students and early career professionals to network with mentors via “speed networking” where the mentors (meteorology and allied discipline professionals) roam between tables at set intervals introducing the students and early professionals to a wide array of professions in the field of meteorology and allied disciplines. The speed networking will include a social with light hors d'oeuvres, providing a great time for open networking. This allows the students and the mentors of their selected discipline to have extended conversations after their speed-mentoring.

23rd Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry

The AMS 23rd Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry (23rdATMChem) is proud to provide six outstanding student paper awards. Three awards will be given for oral presentations and three will be given for poster presentations (in each category: 1st place, $250; 2nd place, $200; 3rd place, $175; 4th place, $125).  The outstanding student paper awards recognize outstanding student papers based on evaluations of both the submitted paper abstracts and corresponding oral or poster presentations. In particular, the students selected for the awards should demonstrate outstanding qualities, including the following:

  • significance of the work and originality and creativity of the approach;
  • explanation of methods;
  • visual clarity (clarity of figures, appropriate font sizes, effective use of space, headings, etc.);
  • organization and logical structure (e.g., clearly stated questions, results and conclusions);
  • conclusions supported by data and analysis;
  • author’s knowledge of the subject matter including awareness of prior research in the field;
  • and ability to answer questions.

To be eligible for the presentation awards, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a university, and you also must be the lead author, personally presenting the work.  Evaluation of oral or poster presentations for the outstanding student paper awards will be conducted at the meeting by the program chairs and session organizers.

How to apply: the student author should indicate in Confex if he/she would like to be considered for a student presentation award. Winners of the outstanding student presentation awards will be notified by 15 February 2021.

22nd Conference on Air-Sea Interaction

22nd Conference on Air-Sea Interaction Student Presentation Awards

The AMS Committee on Air-Sea Interaction will host a student paper competition to recognize outstanding student contributions. Three awards each will be presented for oral and poster presentations with cash prizes ($150 1st place, $100 2nd place, and $50 3rd place) to first author students presenting their own original work. Both graduate and undergraduate students can apply for the competition. Students who wish to be considered for the competition must indicate their eligibility when submitting their abstracts. Students from under-represented minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.


21st Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology

The Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM) Conference is proud to award a Best Student Presentation prize at the 21st Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology.  This award recognizes outstanding student contributions based on the student's oral or poster presentation.

Contenders for the award must satisfy the following requirements:

 * Be enrolled at a university (either at undergraduate or graduate level) at the time of the presentation
 * Be the lead author and presenter of the work.

Students who wish to be considered for this prize should indicate that when submitting the abstract.  Previous winners of this prize are no longer eligible.



20th Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Committee on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science (AI Committee) is proud to present cash awards for outstanding student oral and poster presentations at the 2021 AI conference ($250 first place, $200 second place, $100 third place, $50 honorable mention) which will be held 10 - 14 January 2021 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The outstanding paper awards will be based on originality of research and quality of presentation delivery. Contenders for the award will have to: * be enrolled at a University (either at undergraduate or graduate level), * be the lead-author and personally make the presentation of their work, Students who wish to be considered for this prize should indicate so when submitting their abstract.

19th Symposium on the Coastal Environment

The organizers of the 19th Symposium on the Coastal Environment are pleased to offer two travel grants ($400 each) to support student presenters’ attendance at the AMS annual meeting. Students who would like to be considered for the travel support should indicate so when submitting their abstract and will be asked to submit a short written justification declaring their financial need and circumstance, relevance of their research to the symposium, and how they will benefit from attending the conference.

Awards for the top two oral presentations will be given to student presenters at the 19th Symposium on the Coastal Environment. Students, if they wish to participate, should indicate their eligibility for a student award when they submit their abstracts. To be eligible, you must be currently enrolled as a student at a university, and you also must be the lead author and presenter of the work.

18th Conference on Space Weather

The Committee on Space Weather offers two student award opportunities for students participating in the 18th Conference on Space Weather at the 101th AMS Annual Meeting. Both of these opportunities are only available to students who have submitted an abstract for the conference. Both oral and poster presentations are eligible.

Student Presenter Registration:

The committee will be providing several small student presenter registration grants for students who submitted abstracts to present at the Space Weather Conference. Students who wish to apply are required to submit the following documents to either of the program chairs: 1) the presentation abstract, 2) statement of why they want to attend the meeting, 3) statement of commitment to attend if awarded, and 4) letter of recommendation from their adviser.

Applications are due October 15, 2020, and notifications to recipients will be sent by November 1, 2020.

Student Presentation Awards:
We are pleased to offer two $100 student presentation awards to be given during the 18th Conference on Space Weather at the 101th AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best student (undergraduate or graduate) oral and poster presentations given during the meeting. $50 runner-up awards are also available for exceptional presentations. The considerations for an award include:
originality of the work; relevance to space weather research and/or applications;
quality of the presentation and its delivery; and relation to the AMS meeting theme.


17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems

The 17th Annual Symposium on the Operational Environmental Satellite Systems and the 11th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations are pleased to co-host Student Presentation Awards at the 2021 AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best Student oral and poster presentations. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the Student must be the lead and presenting author.

The basis for an award will be:

          a.) Originality of the work,

          b.) Quality of the presentation (oral and poster/slides) and the Student’s delivery.


Student Event

The 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems will be co-hosting the 7th Annual Speed Networking Virtual Event. The Event allows students and early career professionals to network with mentors via “speed networking” where the mentors (meteorology and allied discipline professionals) roam between virtual rooms at set intervals introducing the students and early professionals to a wide array of professions in the field of meteorology and allied disciplines. 

16th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice

Members of the Symposium for Societal Applications encourage students to submit their posters and oral presentations for consideration for one of eight awards. We especially encourage topics that speak to the goals of the Symposium and connect with the overall conference theme: Strengthening engagement with communities through our science and service. Six awards will be given to students based on an evaluation presentations, three awards in each category of poster and oral presentation: 1st ($100), 2nd ($50), 3rd ($25) place.

A subcommittee will evaluate presentations and recommend winners based on criteria that include (1) Quality of the research being conducted (e.g. research design, methods, reporting of results); (2) Relevance of research to the Symposium and conference theme; (3) Quality of oral or poster presentation design (e.g. clear slides, understandable graphics, readability of text); and (4) Communication skills (e.g. engaging the audience, pacing of presentation, ability to answer Q&As).

To be eligible for the awards, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at a university at the time of abstract submission, and you also must be the lead author, personally presenting the work.

Program chairs organizing the Symposium for Societal Applications will also be granting one student and one early career professional with a full-week conference registration waiver (persons must register by the early registration deadline). Interested applicants should submit a one-page statement describing 1) how attending the 2020 AMS conference would benefit their academic or professional career and 2) how their academic or professional career activities support the mission of Board on Societal Impacts (BSI), which sponsors the Societal Applications Symposium. The BSI mission is described here. Applications are due to Jennifer Henderson ([email protected]) or Rick Smith ([email protected]) by Friday November 6, 2020.

13th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions

The Symposium Organizing Committee will host a student paper competition with award certificates and cash prizes for exemplary undergraduate and graduate student poster and oral presentations. Students must be the first author and presenting their own, original work. Students who wish to be considered for this prize must indicate their eligibility when submitting their abstract.

12th Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy

The Energy and Renewable Energy Committees are pleased to offer a student travel grant to the 2021 AMS Annual Meeting.  The $500 travel grant is designed to aid in covering registration fees, transportation costs, food, and lodging for a selected student presentation at the 12th Conference on Weather, Climate, Water, and the New Energy Economy.  Any student wishing to apply should send a brief statement to [email protected] no later than 15 October 2020 that addresses:

  • Relevance of research to the conference (including abstract)
  • Personal benefit from attending the conference
  • Financial need and circumstance

The selected student will be notified no later than 1 November 2020.
The 12th Conference on Weather, Climate, Water, and the New Energy Economy will also be offering awards for exceptional oral and poster presentations, to be determined by members of the Energy and Renewable Energy Committees.  Students who wish to be considered for this prize should indicate so when submitting their abstract:

  • Oral Presentations
    • 1st Place: $150, 2nd Place: $100, 3rd Place: $50
  • Poster Presentations
    • 1st Place: $150, Honorable Mention: $50
12th Conference on Environment and Health

Two (2) presentation awards, in total, will be extended to the top student presenters (undergraduate or graduate) participating in the 12th Conference on Environment and Health. The awards include $200 to assist with the expenses of participating in the conference and a certificate of achievement from the AMS. Students will be graded by board members. To be eligible, students must participate in the 12th Conference on Environment and Health and must be a current student in good academic standing (e.g. not on probation or disciplinary action for grades or conduct).

11th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations

The 11th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations and the 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems are pleased to co-host Student Presentation Awards at the AMS Centennial Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best Student oral and poster presentations. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the Student must be the lead and presenting author.
The basis for an award will be:
          a.) Originality of the work, 
          b.) Quality of the presentation (oral and poster/slides) and the Student’s delivery.

Student Event

The 11th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations will be co-hosting the 7th Annual Speed Networking Event. The Event allows students and early career professionals to network with mentors via “speed networking” where the mentors (meteorology and allied discipline professionals) roam between tables at set intervals introducing the students and early professionals to a wide array of professions in the field of meteorology. The speed networking will include a social with light hors d'oeuvres, providing a great time for open networking. This allows the students and the mentors of their selected discipline to have extended conversations after their speed-mentoring.

11th Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications

Student Presentation Award: The Committee for Laser Atmospheric Studies (CLAS) is pleased to host a Student Presentation Award.  An award certificate and cash prize will be given for the best student (undergraduate or graduate) presentation. Students who wish to be considered for this award should indicate so when submitting their abstract. To be considered for the award, the Student must be the lead and presenting author. The basis for the award will be:

a.) Originality of the work
b.) Applicability to laser atmospheric applications
c.) Quality of the presentation and its delivery
d.) Relation to the Annual Meeting theme



10th Conference on the Meteorological Application of Lightning Data

10th Conference on the Meteorological Application of Lightning Data Student Presentation Awards

The AMS Committee on Atmospheric Electricity will host a student paper competition to recognize outstanding student contributions. Three awards each will be presented for oral and poster presentations with cash prizes to first author students presenting their own original work. Both graduate and undergraduate students can apply for the competition. Students who wish to be considered for the competition must indicate their eligibility when submitting their abstracts. Students from under-represented minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Ninth Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability

The committee will be providing several small grants to help defray the registration cost of the AMS meeting for students who submitted abstracts to present at the Ninth Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability. Students who wish to apply are required to submit the following documents: 1) the presentation abstract, 2) statement of why they want to attend the meeting, 3) statement of commitment to attend if awarded the travel award, and 4) letter of recommendation from their adviser. Please email these documents to Brandon Wolding at [email protected]. Applications for the Student Presenter Registration Fee Waiver are due October 15, 2020, and notifications to recipients will be sent by November 1, 2020.


Awards for the top oral and poster presentations will be given to student presenters. Students, if they wish to participate, should indicate their eligibility for a student award when they submit their abstracts. To be eligible, you must be currently enrolled as a student at a university, and you also must be the lead author and presenter of the work.

Fourth Special Symposium on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones

Once abstracts have been submitted, the Tropical Meteorology/Tropical Cyclone committee
will offer three student presenter registrations to students whose abstracts have been accepted. Students who wish to apply must send the following documents to the program chairs ([email protected] and
[email protected]) no later than Oct 29 2020.

  • Statement of why they wish to attend the AMS Annual Meeting
  • Statement of commitment to attend if they receive the travel grant
  • Letter of support from their adviser 
Special Symposium on Global and Mesoscale Models: Updates and Center Overviews

The Special Symposium on Global- and Regional-Scale Models: Updates and Center Overviews is pleased to offer one student presentation awards to a student who has submitted an abstract to present at the Global and Regional-Scale Model Symposium.  If you are interested in being in the competition please contact the program chair, Stephanie Avey ([email protected]) prior to October 15, 2020. All applicants will be notified of their status prior to November 1, 2020.