CANCELLED: An Introduction to Using the NASA Giovanni System for Multidisciplinary Research and Applications

Sunday, lonAD, 8:00 a.m.–3:45 p.m.
Phoenix Convention Center 224A


AMS Short Course on An Introduction to Using the NASA Giovanni System for Multidisciplinary Research and Applications

6 January, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona

The AMS Short Course on An Introduction to Using the NASA Giovanni System for Multidisciplinary Research and Applications will be held on Sunday, January 6, 2019, prior to the 99th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.  Preliminary programs, registration, hotel, and general information will be posted on the AMS Web site ( in mid-September 2018.  

Giovanni is one of the pioneering Web services provided to the public for the analysis of NASA Earth science data.  Beginning in 2003, Giovanni has given users, both neophytes and experts, a way to explore remote sensing and model data with minimal investment in time and software.  As it has grown and evolved, Giovanni has added many more analytical capabilities, and has markedly improved system performance and speed.  It now features a large and varied library of data products providing information about weather, climate, atmospheric composition and dynamics, oceanography, hydrological processes, and Earth system interactions.  Scientists and educators frequently note Giovanni's ease-of-use, which provides both a way to find data of interest for a wide variety of research areas, and serves as an introductory scientific research environment useful for either guided or independent investigations.

Participants in this short course will 1) learn how to use Giovanni; 2) learn about the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center’s (GES DISC) large collection of NASA satellite and modeling data products including global precipitation, atmospheric composition, atmospheric dynamics, hydrology, and solar irradiance; 3) conduct several hands-on data visualization scenarios demonstrating Giovanni capabilities; 4) learn how to use Giovanni to create multidisciplinary data analyses, and 5) provide comments and feedback for future refinements of Giovanni.

Giovanni has recently expanded its capabilities regarding the usage of data sets from multiple disciplines, particularly those related to meteorology and hydrology.  This short course will provide focused insight on those capabilities and those data sets.

The morning session of the short course will provide an introduction to the NASA GES DISC, a preliminary description of Giovanni, and a tour of the Giovanni interface and system architecture.  This will be followed by a summary of the major Giovanni data holdings relevant to the meteorological community and the first of two sessions on Giovanni features.  After lunch (not provided), the second session on Giovanni features will precede an extended period of hands-on exercises conducted with GES DISC staff supervision and assistance.  By the end of the one-day short course, participants will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to perform multi-disciplinary research with Giovanni.

Participants should bring their own laptop computer system so that they can participate and benefit fully from the hands-on exercises during the course.  Internet access will be provided.

For more information please contact James Acker, NASA GSFC, Code 610.2, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA ([email protected], 301-614-5435) or Zhong Liu at the same address ([email protected]), 301-614-5764).  

Short Course/Workshop Registration

All short course/workshop attendees must register and wear a badge/ribbon. Short course/workshop registration is not included in the 99th Annual Meeting registration, and short course/workshop registration does not include registration for the 99th AMS Annual Meeting.

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