Introducing the Community Earth System Model (CESM2) Via an Interactive Hands-on Tutorial Using the Cloud.

Sunday, lonAD, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Phoenix Convention Center 225AB




AMS Short Course: Introducing the Community Earth System Model, version 2 (CESM2) via an interactive hands-on tutorial using The Cloud

6 January 2019, Phoenix, AZ

The AMS Short Course on Introducing the Community Earth System Model, version 2 (CESM2) via an interactive hands-on tutorial using The Cloud will be held on XX Jan 2019, preceding the 99th AMS Annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.  


The Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 2, released in 2018, is the next generation, state-of-the-art Earth System Model developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research in collaboration with the university community.  CESM can be used for prediction and understanding of a wide range of aspects of the Earth System on a variety of timescales. Moreover, CESM is freely available for use by the climate research community making it an ideal tool for earth system research and education.  The capabilities within CESM range from idealized models of the atmosphere to comprehensive coupled simulations for leading edge research in earth system science.


The goal of this short course is to introduce new users to CESM2.  A broad overview of the capabilities within CESM2 will be provided along with hands-on experience at setting up and running simulations with CESM2.  


This will be achieved through a half day course consisting of an approximately 1 hour introductory lecture to CESM2 and the science that can be done with it, with the remaining time devoted to an interactive tutorial in which participants will gain experience at setting up and executing model simulations as well as making simple modifications to default configurations. The practical component of the tutorial will be performed on the Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud.


By the end of this course, attendees will have the basic building blocks to start their own research with CESM2.  They will gain a broad understanding of the various components of CESM2 and will become familiar with the framework used to run the model.  Participants will also be provided with information on additional resources that can be used to further their familiarity with CESM2 and build on the basics learned during this short course.


The course is aimed at new, or potential, users of CESM2 who may be considering using CESM2 for their research or educational purposes.


Each participant is required to come with their own laptop, capable of accessing wireless internet.


The instructors for the course are: Cecile Hannay and Isla Simpson from the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.  For more information please contact either Isla Simpson (email: [email protected], tel: 303 497 1763) or Cecile Hannay (email: [email protected], tel: 303 497 1327)

Short Course/Workshop Registration

All short course/workshop attendees must register and wear a badge/ribbon. Short course/workshop registration is not included in the 99th Annual Meeting registration, and short course/workshop registration does not include registration for the 99th AMS Annual Meeting.

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