Eighth Symposium on High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate
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Call for Papers
Papers for the Eighth Symposium on High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate are solicited on the following:
- Benchmarking and Performance Analysis for Modeling on High Performance Computing Systems
- Challenges Facing High Performance Computing Centers Supporting Weather, Water, and Climate
- High Performance Computing Enabling Big Data Handling and Analytics for Weather, Water, and Climate
- High Performance Computing Support for Community-Based Modeling
- High Performance Computing Support for Earth System and Ecological Modeling
- High Performance Computing in the Cloud to Support Weather, Water, and Climate
- Innovative/Emerging Technologies, Products and Services to Enable Future High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate
- Software and Tools for Applying High Performance Computing for Weather, Water, and Climate
Joint Sessions
- Advancements in the Unified Modeling Framework (e.g., R2O, high-performance computing)
- Cloud Computing for Big Data in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate
- Developing Cloud-based Tools for Data Analysis and Archiving
- High-Performance Computing Support for Earth Prediction Innovations and Research in a Community Modeling Framework
- High-performance computing and NWP
- High Performance Computing and Air Pollution Meteorology
Conference Contacts
For additional information, please contact the program chairs: Tim Sliwinski ([email protected]) and Marc Cotnoir ([email protected]).