We invite and encourage you to attend this symposium honoring Dr. Kevin E. Trenberth as he enters into retirement after many years of influential research and community service. His career has been characterized by distinct and exceptional accomplishments that have significantly advanced our understanding of many key scientific issues related to climate variability and climate change. Through publications of over 270 journal articles and many book chapters and technical notes, tireless service on prominent national and international committees and panels, numerous invited talks, and steadfast communication of science to the public, Dr. Trenberth’s influence on scientific thought and understanding of Earth’s climate system has few parallels.
Papers for the Kevin E. Trenberth Symposium are solicited on all aspects of climate science, but are especially encouraged on the following topics:
In addition to contributed papers and posters, there will be invited presentations from leaders in the climate science community, including Dr. Trenberth himself. We also strongly encourage papers from early career scientists and from those who have worked with Dr. Trenberth at various points in their careers.
For additional information, please contact the program chairs: Aiguo Dai ([email protected]) and Jim Hurrell ([email protected]).