Familiarize yourself with Zoom!
For those who cannot use the desktop app, information on zoom webclient can be found here: https://zoom.us/rec/play/vxM4AkX3QGXt-NTO0l48en5y87QVweEP1tiOcntu6umthpi-29ziImlIX4EA8FSvsg6CRDfoLFAm66Qe.huAXZe6RUzpN8WGZ?autoplay=true
Screen sharing on Microsoft Edge requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise. It is not supported on Windows 10 Home. If you are running Windows 10 Home and need to share your screen, we recommend using Chrome or Firefox.
Screen sharing is not supported on Safari.
Share your screen to show (OPTIONAL) pre-recorded presentation videos submitted by speakers who cannot share their own screen/present live during their session.
Please note:
These files will be share prior to the conference
All presenters who intend to present via pre-recorded presentation have been encouraged to notify their session chair(s)
If presenter uploaded a video, but is able to share their screen/present during the live session, you can allow them to do so