Avoid the onsite registration lines and register online...even from your hotel room! View rates and special conference registration information below, and register today!
Health economic impacts of extreme weather events and ecosystem change
Human health impacts of hydrologic extremes - what can our two science communities learn from each other and from the affected communities?
Linking Knowledge to Society: Innovative Solutions for Reducing Heat’s Health Impacts in the Northeast US
Living in a World of Rapid Global Environmental Changes: The Intersection of Environmental Disasters, Human Health, and Vulnerable Populations
NASA Earth Observation Systems and Applications for Health, Air Quality, Environmental Management, and Public Outreach
On the Shoulders of Giants: Formative Moments for Environment and Health Research
Particulate Matter and Human Health- from Ultrafine to several microns sizes
Understanding the Hazard of Heat Waves to Address the Risks to Human and Animal Health
Understanding, Predicting, and Providing Early Warning for Climate-sensitive Infectious Diseases
Weather, climate, and our mental health
Joint Sessions
A stitch in time: protecting and promoting health in a changing climate (Joint between the 11th Conference on Environment and Health and the 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change)
Student Award Opportunities
Two (2) presentation awards, in total, will be extended to the top student presenters (undergraduate or graduate) participating in the 11th Conference on Environment and Health. The awards include $200 to assist with the expenses of participating in the conference and a certificate of achievement from the AMS. Students will be graded by board members, using a standardized rubric, where the highest cumulative scores will receive an award. To be eligible, students must participate in the 11th Conference on Environment and Health and must be a current student in good academic standing (e.g. not on probation or disciplinary action for grades or conduct).