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Abstracts were due on August 8, 2019.
Abstract Fee and Author Instructions
The organizers of the 8th Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability are pleased to offer two travel grants ($600 each) to support students’ attendance at the AMS annual meeting. Students who would like to be considered for the travel support should indicate so when submitting their abstract and may be asked to submit justification for the funds.
Awards for the top oral and poster presentations will be given to student presenters. Students, if they wish to participate, should indicate their eligibility for a student award when they submit their abstracts. To be eligible, you must be currently enrolled as a student at a university, and you also must be the lead author and presenter of the work."
For additional information, please contact the Program Chairs: Naoko Sakaeda ([email protected]), Juliana Dias ([email protected])