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Abstracts were due on August 15, 2019.
Abstract Fee and Author Instructions
The Third Conference on Earth Observing SmallSats is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the Committee on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology.
Oral and poster presentations are solicited on all aspects of Earth observation using SmallSats (MicroSats, NanoSats, and CubeSats), which include but are not limited to observing system concepts, addressable grand challenges, enabling technologies and their maturation, research-to-operations pathways, spacecraft and launch commercial provision, miniaturized instrumentation and modeling, observing system simulation experiments, formations and constellations, lessons learned and best practices, collaboration opportunities, and initial results.
This year, have five themes that highlight the science and operations that SmallSats enable, as well as radio occultation. The session topics we are focusing on include (note that some sessions will be joint between the 10th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations and the 16th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems).
The primary intent of this conference is to accelerate the emergence and mainstream research/operational adoption of highly affordable <500kg atmospheric, oceanographic, hydrospheric, biospheric, and cryospheric satellite observatories. A secondary objective is to bring together scientists and technologists, students and new-career professionals, and catalyze the conception, initiation, and development of multiple, diverse, ground-breaking collaborative flight missions.
The conference organizers believe that the upcoming decade will enjoy an exponential growth in MicroSat, NanoSat, and CubeSat instrumentation, flights, and observations, with a commensurate explosive surge in collective contribution to Earth system science, application, and operations—from space weather to hydrology, spanning the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface. We encourage authors and innovators, students and professionals, to join us in and play a part in this revolution.
Philip Ardanuy ([email protected]), Bob Bauer ([email protected]),Michael Johnson ([email protected]), Emil (Larry) Kepco ([email protected]), Carl Schueler ([email protected]), or Sandy MacDonald [email protected]