FAQ for Remote Poster Presenters

If you were previously planning to be an In  Person poster, your poster presentation will remain the same date and time.  You will be responsible for providing meeting links (Zoom, Google Meets, GTM, etc.) to Presenter’s Corner by 12 January. AMS is working on switching your presentation to remote and you will be able to upload this link by the end of the day Friday. More information to come. 

AMS will schedule your poster presentation based on the day you selected to present from 5:00-6:30pm (Central). You will be responsible for providing meeting links (Zoom, Google Meets, GTM, etc.) by 12 January. You can upload the link in  Presenter’s Corner.

You will have an entire hour and a half to present your poster. You can use this time however you wish. We suggest that you plan to be on right at 5:00pm (Central) in case someone stops by to hear your presentation or ask questions.

Check out the online program to find out when you are presenting. All poster sessions will be held between 5:00pm-6:30pm (Central).

The most important thing you will need to upload in Presenter’s Corner is the link to your meeting (Zoom, GTM, Google Meets, Etc), as this is how you will communicate with attendees. Everything else is optional.  You can:

  • Upload PDF of Poster

    • There is a 200 MB file size limit.

    • The following file types may be uploaded: PDF document (*.pdf).

  • Upload Image(s)

  • Upload PDF of Slides

    • Upload Extended Abstract (by 25 February)

    • There is a 100 MB file size limit.

    • The following file types may be uploaded: PDF document (*.pdf).

You can upload your meeting link and everything else within Presenter’s Corner. You will need your AMS credentials to log in.

Yes! You will need to register for at least a one day package (the day you are presenting) in order to access the online platform and present your presentation.

You will need to upload a meeting link (Zoom, GTM, etc.) in Presenter’s Corner. Then during your scheduled time you will be able to present your poster any way you want and answer questions from attendees.

Please contact [email protected] if you are unable to present during your scheduled time and want to present another time.