Panel: Solar energetic particle forecast models and comparisons
Preparing for Solar Cycle 25 Solar Maximum
Observations off the Sun-Earth line
Solar eclipses of 2023 and 2024. Research, Education, and Community
Space Weather research-to-operations and operations-to-research (R2O2R)
Heliophysics and space weather enterprise data access and modernization
Agency and National Efforts in Space Weather: Priorities and Opportunities
Benchmarking Space Weather Forecasting Models: Machine Learning and First Principals
Coupling between the Lower and Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere
Efforts to improve space weather services and training for domestic and international carriers
Helio2050, Roadmaps, and Infrastructure Plans: How They Relate to Space Weather
Machine Learning Techniques, Datasets, Needs and Priorities for Space Weather
New Instruments, Platforms and Initiatives for Space Weather
Space Weather Applications of Auroral Imagery
Space Weather and Human Exploration of Space: to the Moon, then Mars, and beyond
Space Weather Drivers: Advances in Space Weather Research and Modeling
Space Weather Impacts to Satellite Operations in Low Earth Orbit
Space-Based Observing System Architectures for Operational Space Weather Forecasting and Nowcasting
Space Weather General Model Validation Techniques
Concepts for space weather opportunities and applications
End user survey conducted by the Space Weather Advisory Group (SWAG)
Joint Sessions
Coming Soon
Student Award Opportunities
The Committee on Space Weather offers two student award opportunities for students participating in the 20th Conference on Space Weather at the 103rd AMS Annual Meeting. Both of these opportunities are only available to students who have submitted an abstract for the conference. Both oral and poster presentations are eligible.
Student Presenter Registration:
The committee will be providing several small student presenter registration grants for students who submitted abstracts to present at the Space Weather Conference. Students who wish to apply are required to submit the following documents to either of the program chairs: 1) the presentation abstract, 2) a statement of why they want to attend the meeting, 3) a statement of commitment to attend if awarded, and 4) letter of recommendation from their adviser.
Applications are due October 15, 2022, and notifications to recipients will be sent by November 1, 2022.
Student Presentation Awards:
We are pleased to offer two $100 student presentation awards to be given during the 20th Conference on Space Weather at the 103rd AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best student (undergraduate or graduate) oral and poster presentations given during the meeting. $50 runner-up awards are also available for exceptional presentations. The considerations for an award include:
the originality of the work; relevance to space weather research and/or applications;
quality of the presentation and its delivery; and relation to the AMS meeting theme.
Conference Contacts
For additional information, please contact the program chair: Alec Engell ([email protected]).