Fifth Symposium on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Abstract Information

Abstracts are closed! The deadline was 31 August 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT.

Abstract Fee and Author Instructions
All presenters must also register for the meeting.

View the Program

The Fifth Symposium on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Culture and Inclusion Cabinet.

Call for Papers

Papers for 5th Symposium on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are solicited around the following themes:

  • Creating and Nurturing an Inclusive and Equitable Weather, Water, Climate Enterprise
  • Creating inclusive and safe spaces for learning about weather
  • From behind the scenes to stars of the show: Putting women at the forefront in the weather space
  • Scientific Neo-colonialism in the Earth System Sciences
  • Benefits of a diverse and inclusive weather enterprise
  • General Topics

Joint Sessions

Benefits of a diverse and inclusive weather enterprise (Joint with the 12th Symposium on Building a Weather-Ready Nation: Enhancing Our Nation's Readiness, Responsiveness, and Resilience to High Impact Weather Events)

Student Award Opportunities

Paper Award

The Fifth Symposium on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will host a student paper competition with award certificates and cash prizes for exemplary undergraduate and graduate student oral and poster presentations. Students must be the first author and presenting their own, original work. Students who wish to be considered for this prize must indicate their eligibility when submitting their abstract.

Travel Award

The Fifth Symposium on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is awarding one (1) travel grant of $500 to attend the AMS 104th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD January 28 - February 1 2024. To apply, students (Undergraduate and Post-Graduate) should prepare a short written statement (no more than one page) declaring their financial need and circumstance and how they will benefit from attending the conference. Students who wish to apply must submit their application to the program chair: Melissa Burt (

Deadline for applications: 10 November 2023 15 November 2023

Recipients will be notified on or before: 1 December 2023 6 December 2023

Conference Contacts

Program Co-Chairs: Melissa A. Burt ( and Mona Behl (

Program Committee: Melissa A. Burt, Mona Behl, and Justin Ballard