Abstracts are closed! The deadline was 11 September 2020 at 11:59 PM EST.
The 17th Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems is organized by the AMS Committee on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology and is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society.
Papers are requested on the current and planned operational capabilities of the US and its international partners’ constellation of geostationary and polar-orbiting environmental satellites.
Topics to be covered include:
There will be joint sessions with the 24th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology, 30th Conference on Education, 20th Conference on AI for Environmental Science, 11th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 11th Conference on Meteorological Application of Lightning Data, and the 9th AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation.
Joint SatMet Call for Papers
24th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology
Ninth AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA)
Fourth Conference on Earth Observing SmallSats
The 17th Annual Symposium on the Operational Environmental Satellite Systems and the 11th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations are pleased to co-host Student Presentation Awards at the 2021 AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best Student oral and poster presentations. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the Student must be the lead and presenting author.
The basis for an award will be:
a.) Originality of the work,
b.) Quality of the presentation (oral and poster/slides) and the Student’s delivery.
Student Event
The 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems will be co-hosting the 7th Annual Speed Networking Virtual Event. The Event allows students and early career professionals to network with mentors via “speed networking” where the mentors (meteorology and allied discipline professionals) roam between virtual rooms at set intervals introducing the students and early professionals to a wide array of professions in the field of meteorology and allied disciplines.
For additional information, please contact the program chairs: Gary McWilliams (gary.mcwilliams@noaa.gov), Satya Kalluri (satya.kalluri@noaa.gov), Timothy J. Schmit (tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov), Dan Lindsey (dan.lindsey@noaa.gov), Mitch Goldberg (mitch.goldberg@noaa.gov), Michael Jamilkowski (michael@jamilkowski.com), & Stephen Mango (stephen.mango@noaa.gov).