Abstracts were due on August 8, 2018.
Author and Presenter Instructions
The Ninth Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Applications is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the Committee on Laser Atmospheric Studies.
Papers for this conference are solicited on the following:
In addition, papers are solicited on the following joint sessions:
The Committee for Laser Atmospheric Studies (CLAS) is pleased to host two $100 student presentation awards to be given during its biennial Lidar Atmospheric Applications (LAA) symposium at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best student (undergraduate or graduate) oral and poster presentations given during the LAA meeting. Students who wish to be considered for these awards should indicate so when submitting their formal abstract. In order to be considered for an award, the student must be the lead and presenting author. The basis for an award will be:
The theme of the 99th Annual Meeting is “Understanding and building resilience to extreme events by being interdisciplinary, international, and inclusive.” A three-person panel consisting of CLAS members will evaluate the submissions and select the awardees. Student members of CLAS are not eligible for awards. Laser atmospheric studies remains one of the cutting edge disciplines within AMS, and this meeting is an opportunity to present innovative applications of lidar data for interdisciplinary research across many neighboring meteorological disciplines. We welcome the opportunity to honor students who embrace lidar datasets as a means for enhancing their research and career skills. CLAS is pleased to award one $750 student travel award to attend and participate in the LAA symposium at the 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Student participation is a critical component to any of the symposia at the Annual Meeting, and we are hopeful that this generous award will encourage young scholars to consider laser atmospheric applications as a primary observational component to their continuing research endeavors. To that end, we strongly encourage interdisciplinary applications that highlight the potential of lidar observations to enhance research across the many disciplines represented by the Annual Meeting. Support is offered to offset travel expenses to/from/at the meeting. After the abstract deadline has passed, CLAS will evaluate and recommend the awardee based on the received submissions. Students wishing to be considered must submit either an oral or poster-based abstract and be the lead and presenting author on the presentation. Student members of CLAS are not eligible for the award. Judging criteria will follow the same elements identified for the presentation awards described above, including novelty, applicability to LAA, quality, and relation to the Annual Meeting theme.
For additional information, please contact the program chairs: James Campbell (email: [email protected]), Sara Tucker (email: [email protected]) and John Yorks (email: [email protected]).